16.11.2023 - Success Stories

Unlocking Success Through Education and Connection

B.H.M.S. graduate Vladislav Dushin - Bachelor Degree Global Business Management 2017

B.H.M.S. graduate Vladislav Dushin completed his Bachelor's Degree Global Business Management in 2017 and currently holds the position of Senior Product Manager at Greenster.io in Puteaux, France.

"My journey has been a testament to the power of education and the importance of connection."

Recalling the role that B.H.M.S. played in his career path, Vladislav says, "During my studies, I met wonderful people and learned how to communicate with them. This experience gave me a fundamental start to my career.

My journey has been a testament to the power of education and the importance of connection. B.H.M.S. provided me with a quality education and a global perspective

It showed me that embracing different cultures and perspectives can expand our horizons and open doors we never thought possible.

"Keep your mind open, adapt to change, and build relationships - for these are the keys to thriving in today's world."

What is the key to success, according to Vladislav? 

“Analytical thinking, adaptability, and networking. These, in my experience, are the most demanded skills nowadays. Every encounter and every lesson can be a stepping stone to your success. Keep your mind open, adapt to change, and build relationships - for these are the keys to thriving in today's world.”